Sweden’s most common RFID tag which works on frequency 125Khz. You could say that this is the “ASSA HH” among RFID tags, it works on most residential buildings that use RFID technology in Sweden. It is normally used to unlock front doors, garbageroom doors, bicycleroom doors, book and open laundry rooms, etc.
- The absolute most common RFID tag in Sweden
- Easy to copy in seconds
- Can be copied with all RFID copiers that we offer
OBS! The price includes VAT. The price excl. VAT is 798,4 SEK ( 7,98 SEK/tag )
Om kunden betalar 149 kr för en kopierad tagg
(149 kr är vad de flesta nyckelservicar i Göteborg tar)
Vinst per tagg blir då 111,22 kr
(149 x 0,8 = 119,2 – 7,98 = 111,22)
Vinst för hela påsen (100st) blir 11122kr
(111,22 x 100 = 11122)